Medical error in the US is a leading cause of all deaths & medically induced autism and dementia

In May 2016 in the British Medical Journal published an article titled ‘Medical error, the third leading cause of death in the US’ and refers to a Johns Hopkins study that after analysing medical death rate data, discovered the number of deaths per year caused by medical error was in fact far in excess of the number of deaths from respiratory disease, which at the time the CDC claimed to be the third leading cause of all deaths. However this research did not include; “...causes of death such as human and system factors.” Therefore logic dictates that the true percentage must be far higher given the fact that such significant information was not included in the study. In fact the first comprehensive study to be conducted on the subject of iatrogenic illness (doctor induced illness) was published in 2003, entitled ‘Death by Medicine’ and collated statistics from thousands of published studies on all causes of illness. The result of this investigation revealed the total number of deaths per year due to iatrogenesis in the US was approximately 783,936, a shocking figure considering it even exceeded the annual mortality from heart disease or cancer, i.e. the first and second leading causes of death in the U.S. respectively

If modern medicine truly was the miracle it is claimed to be, then why aren’t Americans amongst the healthiest people in the world? As Dr Carolyn Dean states in her book, ‘Death by Modern Medicine’, the fact that modern medicine has come to be the number one killer in North America is as incredible as it is horrifying. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Doctor induced illness (iatrogenesis) as: ‘the unintentional causation of an unfavourable health condition (such as disease, injury, infection, or an adverse drug reaction) during the process of providing medical care (such as surgery, drug treatment, hospitalisation, or diagnostic testing)’. The idea that medicines are harmful is definitely an unwelcome topic for the medical establishment, but the scale of the problem is fast becoming too large and too significant for them to ignore - however much they would like to do so. In fact the side effects caused by vaccine damage have and still are costing taxpayers billions in compensation and care costs.

In Sweden Scientists also compared the health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated people of roughly 1.6 million individuals. Both groups were studied over the course of nine months. What they discovered was that  the fully vaccinated only have a smattering of immune protection for a very short amount of time - six months at most. After that, the artificial “immunity” provoked by the injections wanes rapidly, leaving a fully vaccinated person with no protection against infection of any kind, just like AIDS. In contrast, the unvaccinated, were found to maintain true and lasting immunity because their bodies were not jabbed with immune degrading spike proteins and other mystery chemicals that we know keep chipping away at the immune system week after week post-injection.

This explains why so many people feel the impacts of the Covid-19 long after becoming infected, and why some people become progressively ill and worse. A study published in 2020 in the JAMA Health Forum showed that individuals experiencing ‘Long Covid’ are also at high risk of a whole range of other adverse health outcomes, not least of which is the doubled risk of dying.

The following excerpts are taken from a transcript provided by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, MD.,who is known for; ‘The Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines’ (2013), ‘Bought’ (2015), and  “Vaxxed II: The Peoples Truth (2019).

“I was once a medical professional who would have said that ‘the vaccination science was settled long ago, and is now laid to rest’. After all, that is what I was taught. But after my experience in the hospital system and thoroughly examining the medical literature, it became obvious that most medical professionals who parrot such statements have read almost nothing on vaccination and are just following orders. I know, because this was also formerly true of me. Vaccine contents, the dangers, effectiveness or necessity of vaccines is not taught in medical schools. Most medical doctors are fearful of the natural childhood illnesses because they have no idea how to safely assist patients through them. The limited mainstream treatment options, I was taught, often resulted in the diseases becoming worse than they would have otherwise been.

I’ve yet to meet a paediatrician who understands both sides of the debate enough to give fully informed consent. Many doctors don’t even understand the vaccine inserts, or know what is in vaccines. There is a paucity of studies comparing never vaccinated children, with partially or fully vaccinated children. (See studies below) Most vaccines have never undergone carcinogenicity testing for example, and likewise are rarely studied in pregnant women. “Informed consent” is devoid of all meaning when people are tricked into taking vaccines by the use of misleading or frightening “information.” Influenza vaccines are continuously advertised as helpful even when the efficacy is very low. But the science seems to be unread by those who make vaccine recommendations”.  End Quote:

Long Covid or Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency?

Australian Health Minister Dr. Kerry Chant is on record stating how COVID will be with us forever and that: “People will have to get used to taking endless vaccines as this will be a regular cycle of vaccination and revaccination.”

It is important to remember that covid vaccines are not actually vaccines, at least not in the traditional sense. What they do is cause cells throughout the body to produce just one small portion of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus: the spike protein. As a result these injections are turning people’s bodies into walking spike protein factories, which in turn cause the body to continually create antibodies that leads to the progressive degradation of the body’s immune capacity, thereby creating vaccine addicts, i.e. those requiring a regular cycle of vaccination and revaccination as predicted by the Australian Health Minister.

The UK Lancet medical journal recently published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines together with related ongoing immune suppression. What the study showed was that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was significantly lower than among the unvaccinated. The Lancet study also suggests the more “vaccines” a person gets injected for Covid, the faster his or her body succumbs to an AIDS-like immune wasting syndrome called VAIDS. And that Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome begins immediately following the first round of injections. Experts also worry that with each subsequent “booster” shot, the process of “immune erosion,” will only continue to accelerate. And according to European Medicines Agency: “Frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible and the COVID-19 vaccination is a major risk factor for infections in critically ill patients.” Ref: Yamamoto Virology Journal (2022) 19:100

Long Covid sufferers are also two times more likely to experience cardiovascular events that include; arrhythmias, strokes, heart failure, coronary artery disease and pulmonary conditions. In fact the risk of pulmonary embolism is more than tripled, while chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and moderate to severe asthmatic cases is almost doubled. In other words, the number of people falling prey to Aids or Acquired Immune Deficiency has increased dramatically since taking the jab. German Government data has even warned of the possibility that by the end of 2022, every fully vaccinated person over the age of 30 may have the equivalent of full-blown Vaccine-Induced Immune-Suppressed AIDS.

Is MonkeyPox a ploy to hide growing ‘Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency’?

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst with over 20 years of experience and a seasoned contributor on discussion forums and news media with global doctors, scientists, and attorneys concerning the biological effects of the COVID-19 gene editing injections. Her website, the Kingston Report presents evidence-based information on the COVID-19 Industry, and usually before other media outlets. Ms Kingston also retains all related documentation information needed to prove monkeypox is another from of VAID’s also confirmed by the fact that doctors are reporting simultaneous increases in cases of 2 diseases commonly linked to A.I.D.s, i.e. shingles and Kaposi's sarcoma. The following is taken from a televised interview with Stewart Peters in June 2022 where she explains what “monkeypox” really is, and whether it is natural or another man-made bio-weapon:   

“Kaposi's sarcoma is one of the main types of cancer to affect people with HIV and can progress very quickly if not treated. Typically it appears as painless purplish spots on the legs, feet or face. Lesions can also appear in the genital area, mouth or lymph nodes. In more severe Kaposi's sarcoma, lesions may develop in the digestive tract and lungs. The fact that MonkeyPox is more or less identical to severe herptic diseases such as shingles means it serves as the perfect cover-up following booster shots and starts to develop at the Mid to End Stage Vaccine Associated Aids.” End quote.

The following is taken from a 2022 online interview with Prof. Cahill who received her degree in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College Dublin (1989) and her PhD in Immunology from Dublin City University in 1994. She was group leader of the Protein Technology Group in the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany (1996-2003). Since 2005, she is Professor of Translational Science at the UCD School of Medicine and Medical Sciences. For the past 10 years she has been involved in policy development in the areas of science, technology and innovation, including in the EU Health, Innovation and Infrastructure. She was awarded the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) 2009 Award, for her research & its significance. This does not include other prestigious positions and awards, but the reason I want to establish this lady’s remarkable credentials is because of the gravity of her contribution:

“When I began my Phd in immunology I realised the tools that I was using, the antibodies, were entirely inaccurate, but when I raised this issue I was told this was not career enhancing, and as it turned out they were (in fact) entirely inaccurate. Around 1994, 1995, 1996 at the Max-Planck-Institute we developed high content protein chips that were able to show that a lot of the antibodies used in diagnostic tests to diagnose diseases like cancer and autoimmune diseases were wrong.  After which I started to get a lot of pushback because the manufacturers of the diagnostic tests were shown to be inaccurate….This led me on a journey of; why would the diagnostic and pharmaceutical industry being using diagnostic tests that were inaccurate?

What this means is that people were being diagnosed with cancers, autoimmune and other diseases, but they didn’t have them. And the treatments were not Vitamin C or D that could help, but highly toxic interventions like chemotherapy.  Also vaccines that contain the most toxic ingredient like mercury, the most poisonous ingredient on the planet that’s not radioactive.

I began to study why babies were dying in the days and weeks after they were getting their injections at 2 months and 4 months according to the vaccine schedule, and why nobody was really stopping this. So really my area has been trying to give the information so as you can treat these so-called serious diseases by simple lifestyle changes, reducing stress and good nutrition, including vitamins, but again only to receive more pushback.

If you inject people, particularly with poisons like mercury and aluminium the toxic effects that result are allergies, autoimmune disease, intestinal dysfunction like Chrohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, and then of course mercury and aluminium are known neurotoxins that cause neuro-cognative impairment that shows in Altzheimers in the elderly or metal poisoning in the young like Autism, and also of course a huge rise in infertility. It’s as if nobody knew what the causes were, but of course if you’re injecting poison and heavy metals it will produce these side effects. And obvious because the people who weren’t injected were not getting these diseases.”

In response to being asked her opinion regarding why the so-called childhood vaccines that are not vaccines anymore…… why the rise in autism and all these other diseases she continues:

“The main agenda for them is to reduce the population and to increase infertility, this decade in Agenda 21 the aim is to vaccinate people in response to a pandemic and have a coordinated ‘media show’ which is a deception, and then to intimidate, that is also making people very unwell to reduce their life expectancy and to kill people, which is what they are doing. There are now tens of thousand that have died in these ‘clinical trials’ and they should be stopped, (the interviewer interjects: “Potentially millions, we don’t know.”)… Potentially millions, but then why I spoke out is because the mRNA vaccine is designed to interfere with infertility in both males and females, so their plan is to inject the younger generation, what we don’t know is can they transmit the infertility agent onto the next generation so to collapse the population by the end of the century.”

When asked why since the vaccine rollout, a number of embalmers and undertakers have expressed concern regarding the dramatic escalation of pasta-like or elastic-like elongated structures being pulling out of dead people’s blood vessels, to which Prof. Cahill responds: “So, indeed they are pulling out these structures that are filling maybe 70% to 80% of the space volume within the veins and arteries, and so there isn’t the space for blood to travel within their body, and so these people collapse and die as we know. It looks like the components of the initial injection is triggering the generation three dimensional structures from immune system components, a reaction only found in the mRNA Covid injected, but also now in people who have had blood transfusions.”

United States House Bill 645 was presented in March 2023 intending to ban any individual who has received the COVID-19 vaccine from donating blood. In spite of possibly depleting vital blood supplies the bill makes it a misdemeanour with a $500 fine to donate or accept blood from vaccinated donors. The bill’s sponsor representative Greg Kmetz later remarked: “We hear these two words ‘safe and effective’ a million plus times, but does that make them true?” A German Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis, that included over 60 scientists, doctors, lawyers, and journalists, recently published their “Summary of Preliminary Findings” in which they; “frequently observed an unusually rapid disintegration of the different types of cells in the vaccinated blood” Sine then the Group has called for all covid-19 vaccine programs to end. Ref: VACCINES.NEWS 02/17/2023 / By Lance D Johnson

Brain damage from injected vaccine aluminium trapped inside the brain

When one considers that only a tiny fraction of 1% of Americans have never received any form of vaccination, this means that a staggering 99.97% have, at some point been vaccinated. The fact that blanket vaccinations have been standard policy in the USA, the UK, and many other countries for decades, would also largely explain the current unprecedented number of chronically sick people in these countries. Most of which are suffering from autoimmune diseases and related brain damage, i.e. autism, mental issues, dementia, asthma, diabetes, skin problems, heart disease, gut disease, bowel disease and cancers, all of which have escalated dramatically following decades of mass vaccinations, and especially when one considers the dangerously high levels of neurotoxins, i.e. aluminium, mercury, and nano-tech contained in vaccines.

It is well known within the scientific community that heavy metals such as mercury and aluminium can, and do cause serious health problems, and therefore begs the question; why do so many routine vaccines, i.e. routine Flu vaccines, etc contain such dangerously high levels of mercury? Levels that far exceed all known safety level guidelines. If the maximum mercury safety level in drinking water is 2 parts per billion, and for ‘sealed’ toxic waste products, i.e. toxic labelled drums, 200 parts per billion, then why in spite of this, will medical doctors happily recommend, or even coerce their patients into receiving a ‘harmless’ flu jab without informing them they are about to inject directly into their blood stream mercury levels of at least 50,000 parts per billion.

There are countless studies, all confirming that aluminium, like mercury is highly toxic to brain tissue, and that it can readily pass through the brain’s protective blood-brain barrier, thus inducing reactive brain inflammation. In other words, any vaccine containing heavy metals such as aluminium and mercury will always induce to a greater or lesser degree some form of toxic reactivity within the brain’s chemistry, and especially in those with weakened immunity. This is why people often feel unwell after receiving a Flu shot and why infants can develop a fever, or even a seizure after a routine shot. But in spite of the scientific community’s evasive tactics - thanks to a growing number of expert researchers in the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Israel, the U.S.A. and elsewhere, there exists substantive evidence directly linking heavy metals such as aluminium and mercury to serious nerve and brain damage. Evidence that links both the duel escalations of Autism in children and Adult onset Alzheimer’s.

Researcher Dr. Oxley, Professor of Bio-inorganic Chemistry and widely known for his expertise in regard to the adverse health effects of toxic aluminium exposure is one of the world’s leading experts concerning aluminium toxicity. Dr. Oxley is also group leader of the Bio-inorganic Chemistry Laboratory at Keele University. A few years ago Dr. Exley and his team published their results in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine Biology after studying the brain tissue in people who had died with autism. The study set out to measure the amount of aluminium trapped in the brain tissues of deceased donors with Autism, most of whom had died in their teens or twenties. What made the study so remarkable was the autistic brain tissue revealed some of the highest aluminium deposits levels ever recorded in human brains.

Levels so extreme, that according to Dr. Exley the study’s findings has alarming implications for entire generations of highly aluminium-vaccinated children in the years to come.

For example, the aluminium levels were particularly high in the male brains, such as a 15-year-old boy with Autism who was found to have had as much aluminium in his brain tissue as someone who should have been many decades older and had died of familial Alzheimer’s disease; see example shown below.

The aluminium deposits were found mostly in the brain’s immune cells, i.e. specialised microglia and glial cells, but unlike other brain cells, the microglia are dedicated immune cells, designed also to play a key role in a process known as ‘synaptic pruning’, a vital process that allows the brain to mature by causing the shedding of any weak or redundant neuronal connections, and vital during phases of cognitive development such early childhood, adolescence and into the late 20’s.

As Dr. Exley warns; “There are no ‘normal’ levels of brain aluminium”. Therefore it cannot be coincidental that according to the World Health Organisation, dementia has become the fastest growing disease, and main cause of death among the elderly. While over the same time period the number of autistic children has likewise risen from 1 in 10,000 to approx 1 in 25. In 2017 the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease published one of Dr. Exley’s research papers entitled: “Aluminium Should Now Be Considered a Primary Etiological Factor in Alzheimer’s“. Given that Alzheimer’s is currently being diagnosed in people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, it is not unreasonable to assume a catastrophic new wave of Dementia may be just around the corner.

Furthermore, in 2015 Professor Changiz Geula together with a team of researchers from Northwestern University in Chicago, studied two types of elderly brains, i.e. brains with and brains without Alzheimer’s. The study also included brain tissue from people aged from 20 upwards for better comparison. What they found also came as a complete surprise, because not only was the brain tissue damage present in patients as young as 20, identical to Alzheimer’s in the elderly, the victims also had the classic indicator of Alzheimer’s, i.e. an accumulation of brain destroying amyloid plaques. In response Professor Changiz Geula commented: “Discovering that amyloid begins to accumulate so early in life is unprecedented.”

The fact that Professor Oxley’s research confirmed that aluminium deposits are found mostly in the brain’s immune cells, takes us neatly back to Dr Russel Blaylock, M.D. mentioned above, whose extensive research on this subject is based on a well established scientific fact, i.e. that when brain chemistry becomes imbalanced this causes a substance known as glutamate to increase and to become highly toxic. Especially when one considers that glutamate is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and central nervous system and therefore is vital for healthy brain development and function.

Glutamate also plays a major role in shaping the pathways of learning and memory and must be present at the right concentrations in the right places at the right time. There are hundreds of research papers all confirming that heavy metal toxicity causes increased glutamate production and levels to rise within the brain. Normally the amount of glutamate neurotransmitter allowed to enter a nerve cell, excite and stimulate to achieve the response is tightly regulated, and afterward quickly cleared away.

But toxicity-induced altered brain chemistry will cause the brain’s glutamate levels to rise to levels that changes both its structure and function, and in doing so, to release harmful ‘excito-toxins’ and ‘immune’ cytokines. Both of which are known to be highly destructive compounds capable of passing through the brain’s protective barrier, i.e. in December 2016 the Journal of Neuroscience published a paper entitled; “Glutamate Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability.” Journal of Neuroscience 7 December 2016, 36 (49) 12296-12298; DOI:

The fact Dr Exley’s work confirms that toxic aluminium heavy metal deposits are contained mostly within the brain’s immune cells also explains why the brain’s destructive inflammatory autoimmune responses can become ongoing. In other words, brain inflammatory reactions that become like an alarm system that can't turn off. This also explains why the brain damage  often continues long after the initial poisoning, and why for decades we have been witnessing the increasing escalation of neurological, cognitive, mental and other related health problems.

Why do vaccine-damaged children and the elderly with dementia suffer not only similar internal reactive brain swelling, but also exhibit similar symptoms?

Because autoimmune reactive intracranial pressure is precent in both children and the elderly, could this also explain why many vaccine brain damaged children display symptoms similar to the elderly suffering from dementia? Such as loss of short term memory (learning difficulties in children), unsteady gait (poor coordination in children), impaired bladder control (bedwetting in children). One reason could well be that the brain tissue in both age groups is more vulnerable due to the fact a child’s brain is still developing, while in the elderly the opposite is the case. This also might help explain why both groups display a similar reactive internal brain swelling as well and similar  related clinical symptoms

For example, the image above shows both age groups displaying similar physical changes inside the brain caused by reactive inflammatory (autoimmune response) pressure causing both the expansion and the distortion of the brain’s inner chambers or ventricles.

The ventricle expansion is best understood by keeping in mind that the brain, being mostly fat, is softer than the adjacent building fluid pressure. Therefore under pressure, the brain tissue takes the path of least resistance which in this case causes the brain’s internal structures to expand. The reactive physical changes inside the brain are summed up in a formula known as ‘the Monro-Kellie hypothesis that states: “Any increase in volume of one of the cranial constituents, must be compensated by a decrease in volume of another."

This is because the inner chambers are where the cerebrospinal fluid is produced and normally where waste and debris are collected ready to be ‘flushed out’ as described above. But instead, as discussed, as the intracranial pressure builds within, the adjacent brain tissue becomes compressed leading to a triad of related symptoms such as short term memory loss, incontinence and poor coordination. In other words, as the ‘solid’ fluid pressure builds up, the softer brain’s cavities expand on the inside and in doing so causes pressure to increase on the parts of the brain concerned with memory, problem solving, reason, speech, walking, and bladder control to become impaired. Symptoms that have been increasingly evident in both the elderly and children for decades.

You may remember that earlier it was mentioned that there exists multiple studies confirming how microwave damage inhibits the brain’s electrical activity, and in particular causes damage to a structure deep inside the brain known as the hippocampus, also inside ventricles discussed above. The following is taken from research published in 2010 in The National Library of Medicine National Center for Biotechnology and confirms how increased intracranial pressure not only affects hippocampus function, the increased pressure on the hippocampus is also connected to “abnormal glutamate activity” as previously discussed with regard to retired neurosurgeon Dr Russell Blaylock’s research.  The following is taken from the study’s abstract:

“Many hypertensive patients, suffer from cognitive decline long before they have any signs of cerebrovascular disease. This study examined the direct effects of blood pressure on neurotransmitter status in the hippocampus, a vulnerable cerebral structure relevant for memory consolidation. There is (also) an inverse relation between blood pressure and the concentration of hippocampal glutamate. Glutamate is essential for long-term potentiation, the neurobiological correlate for memory formation in the hippocampus. Thus, hypertension-associated cognitive decline may not only be mediated by structural atherosclerotic wall changes, but also by functional changes in neurotransmission.” End quote. Ref: J Hum Hypertens actions Search in PubMed 2011.

As mentioned previously upsetting the brain's glutamate balance causes a reactive inflammatory response and something known as 'excito-toxicity' which is directly linked to the intrinsic release of glutamate and summarised as follows; Toxic Insult > Brain Balance Disturbed > Brain inflammation + Excito-toxicity > Glutamate rise> Hippocampus and brain neural damage.

In other words, Autism and other forms of brain damage are primarily being caused by the overstimulation of two simultaneous naturally occurring systems when the brain is under threat - Brain inflammation and Excito-toxicity which leads to the Glutamate proliferation damage mentioned in the study above.

The Glutamate effect - the elephant in the room

Glutamate receptors are the most abundantly used neurotransmitter in the human brain by far. A neurotransmitter is the chemical released from one nerve cell to another i.e. the mechanism nerve cells use to communicate with one another to function and thrive! As well as glutamate receptors being the most abundantly used neurotransmitter in the human brain – they are also more widely used than all the other neurotransmitters combined.

As such glutamate receptors regulate 90% of brain cortex neurons and 50% of all neurons. They also regulate other neurotransmitters as well as interacting with immune receptors. This means glutamate receptors play a major role in foetal brain development and are therefore vital for effective neurotransmission from within the uterus up to and including the first two to three years of brain development. This also explains why disruption to this mechanism can and does cause so much ongoing brain damage in infants.

Even though glutamate is the most abundant neurotransmitter in the brain - it is also highly toxic. In the developing brain there are many types of glutamate receptors. Another very important factor is they have an intrinsic ability to adapt their level of sensitivity i.e. changing from hypersensitive to depressed sensitivity depending on the required function.

Vaccine toxic threat causes immune stimulation which in turn causes glutamate hypersensitivity. Therefore even tiny doses of glutamate will produce an impulse. As the overstimulation continues an overload of toxic glutamate causes the destruction of vital nerve cell neuro-transmission mechanism and its connections - thereby impairing normal brain formation. When the brain's immune system cells known as microglial cells become overstimulated such as from repeated exposure from vaccine toxic reaction this causes the microglial cells to secrete excito-toxins and immune-cytokins. Excito-toxins and immune-cytokins are destructive compounds known to cause abnormal brain development - a fact and confirmed by hundreds of research papers

The above represents just a tiny fraction of information and research available on these topics, but I hope this has been sufficiently informative to at least question the safety of routine vaccine health policies.

“Doctors need three qualifications: To be able to lie and not get caught, the pretence of honesty, and to cause death without guilt:”  French Historian Jean Froissart 1337-1405. For more information, I suggest you start with where you can access over 60 other studies comparing the vaccinated with the unvaccinated, all showing that the unvaccinated have dramatically better health.

If you want to know who controls you, look at what is never allowed to be criticised, questioned or debated.